Nanobiotechnology Hub

Graphite, a layered material, exfoliated with the “scotch tape method”. Graphene is a monoatomic layer of graphite, has a two-dimensional shape and is endowed with unique properties.

Mission of the Nanobiotechnology hub

Nanobiotechnology studies biological molecules and nanostructured materials in order to develop new sustainable technologies that will improve the quality of human life. Alfredo Gravagnuolo has launched the Nanobiotechnology hub in order to raise public awareness, create opportunities to grow in this highly multidisciplinary field, to solve important problems and to boost advancement of society.


Our vision is to bring together a group of international scientists, industrial partners and experts in communication into a multidisciplinary academic/industrial research network.

We want to:

  • Disseminate science and offer training in various forms
  • Integrate biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and nanotechnology
  • Create highly collaborative international “academic-industrial” network
  • Facilitate technology transfer and commercialisation of research

Core Skills

  • Hard science (the Nanobiotechnology Lab)
  • Editorial roles in international scientific journals
  • Member of international scientific societies
  • Dissemination of science via scientific publications and participation to scientific conferences
  • Showcasing STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) at public events
  • Disseminate science via Radio and TV broadcasting
  • Organisation of free scientific events
  • Fundraising to support initiatives and raise awareness about important social issues
  • Lunching different ranges of initiatives aimed at solving important societal problems

Related areas of interest

Circular economy; Industrialisation; clinical translation; Communication; Popular Science; Sociology.


Social responsibility

Showcasing STEM at public events in the UK:

  • 2019 Community festival, Manchester Museum;
  • 2018/19 Bluedot festival, Jodrell Bank Observatory;
  • 2017/19 European Researchers’ Night, Manchester Museum;
  • 2018 British Science Week, Manchester University.

Radio broadcasting in Tuesday Drive: Spanish program @ All FM 96.9, Manchester.

Organization of free scientific events

  • 2018 Event assistant @ (a) UK-China Conference, (b) ACS on Campus. National Graphene Institute, UK.
  • 2016 Event organiser for Exedra/ to support the Onlus Open Biomedical Initiative. Salerno, Italy.
  • 2015 Event assistant for the American Society of Microbiology @ Microbiology: Quo vadis? Naples, Italy.
  • 2015 Organizing & Scientific committee @ BIO-UNIVERSE, a University-Industry bridge. Naples, Italy.
Bio-Universe 2015, Naples, Italy. A bridge between University and Industry